Revolutionary design, developed in .NET and XML technologies, resulting in open, fast and managed data processing.
ConverDat is powerful data conversion and migration tool with comprehensive generation process based on user configurable templates.
ConverDat works as multi-layer application where it is possible to manipulate and generate large amount of data using graphical user interface and/or manually adapting xml configuration/template files, whatever is more suitable for end user. It is 100% flexible and configurable, trough end user’s defined projects and template sets. Define yourself project hierarchy, naming convention, format of input files, conversion rules, format of output files.Aplikacija podržava različite komunikacione protokole. Svaki klijent koji se izvršava po OPC UA standardu može se povezati i primati željene informacije.Troškovi instalacije i održavanja su značajno smanjeni, i nije potrebno razvijati bilo kakve dodatne interfejse za prikupljanje podataka.

Imagine different things you can do with this tool!
Take it, configure it according to you needs and use it!
Some ideas for use go over various industries and purposes
Data conversion and generation for plant information systems where informational data from different kind of equipment/computers have to be collected and imported to centralized systems. Example which would perfectly describe this kind of use would be collection of tags/IO data in different file formats from various type of PLCs, in order to configure SCADA/HMI systems and further on MES/ERP systems.
Data collection from geographically dispersed locations, and different file formats, in order to manipulate them, convert to standard format(s) and store into central data storage(s). Example would be distributed stock and shop facilities using different or even same data classification methodologies, to be processed at central location
Simple parsing of data files to extract valuable information and to generate new file layout(s).
Creation of XML files, for data processing and transformations, or web development.
Data migration from different kind of data storages into new ones, reorganizing data layout, relationships naming conventions, etc…
User defined Project Tree to define conversion/generation hierarchy.
Fully configurable, resembling principles of object oriented methodology:
Hierarchical structure of your project helps you to define comprehensive layout for data generation and/or conversion, trough use of freely configurable naming convention(s) or data storage location(s). If you don’t need hierarchy, it is easy to define single node and perform data conversions, migrations and generations as such.Everything is based on concept of generic object, where you can freely create your own objects, and define its properties. During generation/conversion process, property value is used instead of associated keyword defined in template set.
With freely configurable Project Tree in ConverDat end user can achieve:
Conversion/Generation Process
Set of xml template files freely configurable trough Graphical User Interface or manually with any text editor.

Designed to achieve relationships between input and output data in many different ways. But this is not all: full power is coming from rules associated to objects within Project Tree hierarchy. Each node (object) in project tree can hold freely configurable set of generation/conversion templates. Moreover, node’s (object’s) properties can be incorporated into conversion/generationprocess with use of so called keywords. It is possible to use inheritance within hierarchy or absolute/relative path to other nodes (objects) in project tree! Generation process can be always started from any node and level in Project Tree hierarchy. It stores data into xml file format, which is used later on for generation of output files.